Permanent Residence Granted with Higly Skilled Professionals’ score of 80 points
Just 1 year or 3years’stay and you will be given permanent residence in Japan!
Please check the point calculation form of following link and contact Miwa Kanesaki of MADOKA Legal Service Office for consultation.
高度専門職(高度人材)と永住許可のご相談についてまどか法務行政書士事務所 行政書士 兼先美和 までご連絡ください。
高度専門職ロ 高度人材ビザ Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals Visa
Miwa-san is a real specialist. At first I was deeply confused by the new policy of highly skilled professional visa which amended in 2017.
I am an IT engineer working in Japan and was interested in the benefits from this “enhanced” working visa but there aren’t many people around me understanding how to apply this visa correctly. I was even firstly mislead by someone else and believe I cannot meet the requirement of it because my Japanese language skill was not good.
Miwa-san solved all problem for me. First of all, Miwa-san speaks very fluent English so she explained everything very clearly to me.
Moreover Miwa-san always keep the knowledge in her field up to date.
As a result she pointed out how to calculate the “highly skilled scores” correctly and worked out that I was in fact eligible for applying this visa. Most importantly, Miwa-san works very carefully.
She investigated my situation in many aspects that might be helpful, which eventually proved to be critical to the success of the application. I feel very lucky that I asked Miwa-san for help and I definitely would like to cooperate with her in the future.
高度専門職ビザ 神戸 大阪 京都 Kansai
Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals visa Kobe Osaka Kyoto Kansai
経営管理の方の「高度専門職」Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals Visaが許可されました!
Our visa is finally approved and we are very satisfied with Miwaさん’s service.Ever since we arrived at Osaka in June, we started to organize our materials to apply for a visa. Since our MBA diploma is still being shipped to Japan,the time of completion of all the materials has been dragged all the way to August.But after that,Miwa さ ん’careful analysis ensured that we would get every single score that we could get. Every time she goes across something that could possibly contribute to our total score count,she would update us about it. Midway through the materials,because our score was only 10 points, she carefully considered for a long time and had an idea:”let’s find the raw data from China, until we get the materials from the government” she also considered the score point problem again and again. I was really impressed.Miwa さ ん really puts your best interests in her heart and acts with extraordinary attitude and excellence to finish our case.
高度人材ビザ 大阪 神戸
Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals visa Kansai, Osaka, Kobe
Application for Change of Status Business Manager visa to Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals visa Kansai, Osaka, Kobe
まどか法務 行政書士事務所
Madoka Legal Service Office
行政書士 兼先 美和 かねさき みわ